Weather Station using ESP32 and data with MQTT (Data Akamutu)

5 min readSep 4, 2022


Here I would like to introduce how to build a simple weather observation station using ESP32 and a few sensors.

We started a project called to collect data in Sri Lanka. Here we hope to collect data on Humidity, temperature, Pressure, and Light Intensity in every district of Sri Lanka due to the lack of publicly available data sources. Though it’s not perfect, the data will help to observe patterns, share with interest groups, and develop knowledge for the betterment of Sri Lanka. Sometimes it can be used to reduce the damage caused y natural disasters in Sri Lanka.

End outcome :)

There I have to develop a data publishing client to server. So I can divide my part into steps.

1. Create some weather station to publish data.

2. Connect that station with MQTT server.

3. Develop my weather station.

1. Build a new device to collect data

This step is important to us because when we are beginners. So I decided to use Arduino technology to achieve the communication of data from sensors to the I used a device to connect wifi and collect data it calls ESP 32, and we decides to collect Humidity, temperature, Pressure &…




Thinking about my mind itself is the a great thing. Meanwhile opportunity to be a part of developing soft(ware) world is great. However, thinking about society?