Setup MongoDB Replica (Data Akamutu knowledge sharing)

5 min readJan 8, 2023

It’s time to find the place where the data need to keep. Something is hidden behind the back but vital for all the functions of the virtual world today from end users in the front end to data scientists. It’s time to teach modern programmers and people how systems run 24 hours with minimum failures. Let’s move to database replication.

Why replication in my context

After using it for development purposes, I felt installing MongoDB single instance in a server or a docker is adequate for a development environment.

However, in a production environment, a single DB instance of Mongo DB is not adequate due to a number of practical reasons as well as technical or enforced barriers.

What is replication?

Database replication keeps copies of data in different locations while syncing the changes. For example, if you update your address, that change will be updated in all the replicas.

It helps to keep a backup of data, without possible complete data loss. On the other hand, it allows the distribution of the read-write requests to reduce the I/O burden on a single instance. Not only that, in a scenario one database failed other instances still can cater to the requests to some extent, ensuring the business…




Thinking about my mind itself is the a great thing. Meanwhile opportunity to be a part of developing soft(ware) world is great. However, thinking about society?